Friday 29 September 2017

How Free Standing Pull Up Bar is a Way to Cure Sciatica and Disc Herniation?

Today lots of people facing sciatica and disc herniation problem. Sure to treat those, proper medication is necessary. But recent research suggest, if you are doing right kinds of exercises regularly then you can yourself cure those too.
Our experience tells us, with the help free standing pull up bar, you can cure sciatica and disc herniation. All you have to do is have some patiences and dedication.
Our folding free standing pull bar is the very unique instrument that can be carried anywhere due to its simple built and low weight . It is flexible, that means you can adjust it to a user’s height. As it is carried easily, so you can either use it in your bedroom, your Hall or even in outdoor. Also as the pull-up bar can be adjusted to your favorable height, so it is important that one should choose such a grip that is convenient to them. Also to get the required the handlebar height, you don’t need to jump or kip as it can affect your back.
Usually specific exercises for leg pain and other problem from a sciatica and disc herniation are get prescribed by doctors itself. But sometimes such exercise's positions causes the patient's symptoms to move from the leg and into the low back. But with free standing pull up bar you don't face any such problems.
When you start pull ups, you usually don't follow the basic guidelines to do pull ups, it's not your fault. Many people thinks name of this exercise itself explains everything, so their is no need to look for. But in this exercise, you just don't have to pull your body upwards, because when you try to do so, your body weight creates resistance and it's applies pressure on our chest, arms, shoulders and other upper body areas. And if you are overweight then you don't going to get the outcome you are looking for. But with our free standing pull up bar you don't face such displeasing issue. As our instrument is flexible enough to adjust itself as per your requirement you can work on it with ease and still get the satisfactory results.
Still if you want to get maximum output from workout. then keep both the grips wide at a huge distance from each other while exercising as it will increase resistance. Also as we mentioned earlier, you can adjust the height and width of our free standing pull up bar as per your requirements. And that's it, now you are all set to go.
Today the Khanhtrinh Production Trading Service is the best at making free standing pull up bar. Our numerous customers have used it till now, and surprisingly all have praises for it as they have seen the results. Most people have appreciated its simplicity, affordability and its immense safety as while using it.
So don't wait up till it's too late. Call us now and we will demonstrate you its use and applications. Your safety is always our first priority, so don't be afraid to try it.
 Chin up bar |

Sunday 24 September 2017

Why Chin Up Bar is Important?

When your gym is packed and there's no way to use your usual equipment, head to the chin up bar. This is important but often overlooked tool is perfect for getting a strength workout that requires minimal space. It gives you a complete workout and help in building strength in your back, chest, arms, and abs.

Today if you can still continue to grow taller, I recommend that you should do exercise with the chin up bar. chin up bar exercises are truly helpful in height increasing, equivalent to swimming and even more effective than basketball. If you exercise hard and properly, even though you passed puberty but still increase height, you can get 2-4 cm per year, which is a lot if you ask me.

The biceps is made up of two muscles, or heads, hence the “bi” in its name. The inner head is short, and the outer head is long. Both heads cross your shoulder, elbow, and radioulnar forearm joints, which means they act on all of these joints. More specifically, the biceps helps you raise your arm forward, bend your elbow and rotate your forearm externally to a palms-up position. Chin up bar help you work on your biceps extremely well. With help of chin up bar you can grow your biceps twice as faster than with any other instrument.

With other strength-training exercises you just use a very short list of muscles, but with chin up bar you can work on more than a dozen muscles. Chin up bar exercise targets mainly the latissimus dorsi muscles of your back, a number of muscles in your arms, shoulders and chest. It's also includes your posterior deltoids, triceps, biceps and lower and middle trapezius.

Chin up exercise has versatility benefits. Even when you're new to this type of workout, you don't have to worry. You can modify its setting according to your requirement. Once you get comfortable with instrument, you can easily take it to next level by holding a weight between your ankles.

We all know that, today strong muscles aren't just for athletes. Everyone can benefit from strong shoulders, lats, and arms in everyday activities. We don't have to tell to you that, how strength in your biceps and triceps muscles helps you perform such repeated movements as lifting a heavy bag of groceries or a backpack and pushing a door shut, respectively. All you have to do is spend some time on chin up bar as per your convenience, and let rest of it taken care by instrument itself.

Today Khanhtrinh Production Trading Service Co. Ltd. offers high quality fitness products at affordable prices. We value our customers and work hard to stand up to their expectations. Before, during and after every sale, you will always find us there to answer all questions and to provide the best experience possible. Customer's satisfaction is our first priority.

So don't wait up, order your chin up bar now. You will thank yourself later, believe us. We are waiting for your response.  

Free Standing Pull up Bar

Wednesday 20 September 2017


Here is another technique that will make your forearms as hard as iron. This exercise involves KT pull up bar. It such an exercise that is simple to perform but requires endurance and resistance. A person who regularly can do 3 sets of 10 pull ups easily can be able to do this series of exercise.
sometimes the huge folks get irritated when they see 160-pound men doling out muscle-building exhortation. All things considered, what might I be able to potentially think about picking up quality and muscle? I’m only a thin person!

Truly, you do not have to be colossal for being solid. Of course, you can be both, yet you don’t need to be one to be the other. To the extent I’m concerned, the dominance of one’s own vessel is the purest type of quality. Keep in mind, the lion is the ruler of the wilderness regardless of the way that an elephant is ten times his size.

On the off chance that you need to be a lion in the exercise center, you ought to begin by facing the draw up. It’s a definitive equalizer, putting the huge young men on a level playing field with littler encircled colleagues in a trial of my most loved sort of quality: relative quality.
Here in this video, it is again a challenge that the Omari jinaki performs but is a very good exercise that you an add up in your routine. By doing this exercise you not only are building your shoulder and back muscles but a lot is being happened to your forearms. It not only give them immense strength but also make your resistance to various kinds of pull ups. Omari jinaki here grabs the pull-up bar get its body straight and strictly pull its body upwards and to a point, his touch touches the bar. After waiting for 5-10 seconds he does the second repetition. In this way, he performs 23 repetitions in 2 minutes. This exhibits lots of strength and endurance.  Further, you will see in this video that you can make a few adjustments while doing this exercise.

Chin Up Bar |Free Standing Pull up Bar