Monday 9 October 2017

Know Your Best Home Gym Equipment

Starting any exercise program can be a difficult experience for many people. Your visit to any nearby store to purchase best home gym equipment or best home workout equipment can turn out very intimidating. You might look around confused by the array of tools and exercise equipment. How does all this stuff work? What should do now?

That’s why, in this blog we are going to explain some of the most common pieces of exercise equipment and workout tools that we find in a home gym.

Types of equipment
There are basically two types of tools that we find in the gym – workout machines and free weights.

Workout Machines
Workout Machines allow us to perform a different variety of exercises. Some of them are designed to work individual muscles, while other machines consist of a multi-features that works the whole body. Most home gym machines are multi-features machines because they are less costly and take up little space then having different machines for each muscle group.

Free Weights
Free weights are the most simple form of bodybuilding equipment. The reason they are called “free weights” is because there are no attached cables, pulleys, pins, or weight stacks. They consist of dumbbells, barbells and weight plates.

The Barbell
The barbell is a long hard iron bar that is between 5 and 8 feet long on which weight plates and placed.

The professional barbell is 8 feet long and weigh 50 lbs. Those are heavy-duty bars that can handle large weight loads of over 900 lbs. Some professional barbell or olympic bars can handle weight loads of over 1200 lbs. Because they are so big they are used mostly for heavy special exercises such as squats, bench press and deadlifts.

There are smaller olympic barbell between 5-7 feet long. These bars are generally used for smaller workouts such as shoulder presses, barbell curls, bent rows, etc.

A dumbbell is practically a short barbell, usually 12 – 18 inches long. Dumbbell exercises are performed with a dumbbells in both hands. Most gyms have a dumbbell rack that has an organized of fixed weight dumbbells. They usually have dumbbells from 7 lbs. – 120+ lbs. in increments of 7 lbs.
Though there are also adjustable dumbbells, they are not a suitable as a rack of fixed weight dumbbells. These are less costly and take up little space makes them ideal for a home gym setting.

Weight Plates
Weight plates range from 3 lbs. to 110 lbs. They are usually made up of iron, however, many home gyms have plastic or fiber weight plates. While this is perfectly okay for you to start out with them, but remember the thickness of the plastic weight plates restrict the amount of weight that can be placed on the dumbbells and barbell.

Khanhtrinh Production Trading Service Co. Ltd. is specialize in the manufacture and distribution of high quality home fitness equipment designed for durability and ease of use.

So order your best home gym equipment and best home workout equipment for your lower back pain relief and lower back pain treatment today.

Free Standing Pull up Bar

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